Tuesday, November 25, 2008

8 more weeks!

This is my 32 weeks (8 months) pic. Things are going extremely well! Although I am irritated with this site! It is taking forever to upload even just one picture! That's why I haven't posted anything for a while...sorry!
A few weeks ago Dave and I went to Ohio for my baby shower. It was a fantastic day! It was great to see everyone and we received some wonderful gifts! We are very thankful!
I had a doctor's appointment today. Not too much to report. The baby is positioned head down...yeah! He did flip from my right side to my left, but there's no issue with that since he is still head down. Hopefully he will stay that way for the rest of the time. My midwife told me at this point in the pregnancy the baby is pretty settled in and is not very likely to change positions. Mostly because there isn't enough room to move around in there!
Dave and I went to Childbirth class on Sunday (12-5!). I actually didn't learn anything new! I've been reading tons of books and info on the internet since the day I found out I was pregnant. Now I just need to figure out what to do once he arrives! :)